This page consists of a collection of Kill Cliff Mixology recipes made by both us here at Kill Cliff HQ and you, the fans. If you have a recipe you've been using at home, we'd love to hear about it!
Post your recipe on Instagram using "#KillCliffMixology" and we will pick our favorites to display here and in our newsletter. The creators of the selected recipes will receive a free case of each flavor used in their recipes!
Whiskey Slush
Submitted by Preston Holdren
Ingredients .jpeg?width=300&name=IMG_0501%20(3).jpeg)
- 2:1 ratio of bourbon to Kill Cliff Blood Orange
- 1/4 gallon fresh squeezed lemonade
- Kill Cliff Lemon Lime
- Lime flavored sparkling water
Mix Bourbon, Kill Cliff Blood Orange, and Lemonade. Place in freezer until slush has formed. In a 16 oz glass, fill halfway with slush
Pour in lime flavored sparkling water until liquid reaches about 1/2” from the top
Add a splash of lime juice and top the glass with Kill Cliff Lemon Lime
Mix drink and Garnish with an orange wedge
Adult Lemonade
Submitted by Kill Cliff
6 oz. of Blackberry Lemonade Recovery
3 oz. of your favorite vodka
Lemon wedge
Mix Blackberry Lemonade Recovery and vodka well, squeeze a lemon in your drink and serve over ice.
Submitted by Kill Cliff
- 6 oz. of Kill Cliff Lemon Lime
- 3 oz. of your favorite tequila
- a handful of ice
- one lime wedge
- In a shaker, combine your desired amount of ice, 3 oz. of your favorite tequila, and 6 oz. of Kill Cliff Lemon Lime.
- Shake the mixture violently until everything is well mixed.
- Pour the mixture into a glass and add your lime wedge.
Angry Irishman
Submitted by Kill Cliff
- 12 oz. can of Lemon Lime KILL CLIFF
- 2 shots Irish whiskey.
- Splash of Orange Juice
- Lime Wedge
- Mix Lemon Lime Kill Cliff, Whiskey, and OJ.
- Shake violently with ice.
- Garnish with a stab of lime.
Liberation Libation
Submitted by Kill Cliff
- 6 oz of Kill Cliff Pomegranate Punch
- 3 oz of your favorite vodka (we used Tito's)
- a big squeeze of lemon juice
- a handful of ice
- a skewer of your favorite fruit (we used blueberries and strawberries)
- Place your ice in your favorite cocktail glass.
- Pour in two shots (3 oz.) of your favorite vodka into the glass.
- Open your can of Kill Cliff Pomegranate Punch and add about half the can (6 oz.).
- Slice up a lemon and squeeze some juice in your glass.
- Take your fruit skewer and give that drink a stir until it's mixed well throughout.
- Add a splash of Raspberry Blueberry for a little extra flavor
- Sit back, relax, and enjoy the fireworks with your refreshing beverage.
Rose Sangria
Submitted by Preston Holdren
- 2-inch ice cube silicon tray
- Frozen strawberries
- Frozen blueberries
- Rose (sparkling)
- Kill Cliff Raspberry Blueberry ice cubes
- Kill Cliff Pomegranate Punch
- ice cubes
- Place a strawberry and a couple of blueberries in each cube space and then pour KC raspberry blueberry into cubes until liquid is 1/4” to the top. Place in freezer until liquid is frozen solid.
- Rinse off frozen blueberries and add to the glass
- Add regular ice cubes until there is 2” left to the top of the glass
- Add Kill Cliff Raspberry Blueberry ice cube
- Pour Rose to the side of the Kill Cliff Raspberry Blueberry ice cube until there is about 1/2” left of free space in a glass
- Top glass off with Kill Cliff Pomegranate Punch