7 Tips to Help You Sell KILL CLIFF at Your Gym - Kill Cliff

7 Tips to Help You Sell KILL CLIFF at Your Gym

If you're looking for ways to help you sell KILL CLIFF in your gym, you've come to the right place. We've constructed a list of seven ways that can improve your Kill Cliff product sales. We hope these tips help your KILL CLIFF supply fly off the shelves!

Hang posters and banners that advertise the product to members

Think about it: Your members are nearing the end of their long workout. They look around at the walls and see a KILL CLIFF poster that’s advertising a tasty beverage that will help with their recovery. Then they look over at the refrigerator and see that it’s stocked with ice-cold KILL CLIFF. Those advertisements do the selling without your staff having to say a word. Win, win, win.

Educate staff on the product benefits

Educating your staff about the benefits of KILL CLIFF products will help increase customer interest in the product. If one of your members asks about KILL CLIFF and your staff member doesn’t have anything to reply with then the customer is likely just going to stick with their water bottle. Whether it takes having a meeting or sending out an email blast, make sure you educate your employees on the product’s benefits.

Place cooler in high traffic and high visibility area

Most gyms have their refrigerator right next to the welcome desk. Your members will pass it on their way in and on their way out, increasing their chances of peeking at it and becoming interested in what’s inside.

Manage inventory levels so you are never without and unable to fulfill the needs of your customers at the POS

Keeping up with your inventory of our products will help you avoid situations in which a customer may want a certain flavor, but you’re sold out. Inventory maintenance will also let you see which flavors sell more than others which can help you the next time you need to purchase more KILL CLIFF.

Advertise and educate members on social posts and emails featuring products

You can use your social media presence to introduce or entice customers to buy our products. Whether it’s a post about the benefits of KILL CLIFF or a promotional offer your gym is running with our product, the visibility through social media engagements will help sell the product.

Run the occasional offer to drive adoption (flavor of the month, or do this and win)

Whether it’s a sale on the product or giving them the chance to win free KILL CLIFF product, you’re giving the customer a positive experience with the product and increasing the chances of them purchasing in the future without an enticing offer.

Sampling to introduce to new customers

There’s a good chance that many of your veteran members are familiar with our products, but your brand-new members may be just hearing about KILL CLIFF and our product line. As a part of their introduction to the gym, give them a taste of one of our products and discuss the benefits of the product. Giving them a taste of our delicious products and their benefits will increase their chances of buying one for themselves.